What happens when care homes close? A review of the literature

Tom Douglass*, Shazia Zafar, Jon Glasby

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In a fraught fiscal and post-pandemic context, English adult social care is likely to see further care home closures. To make sure that closures minimise distress and potentially negative outcomes for residents, this article reports findings from an analytical narrative review of the existing research evidence about the process and outcome of such closures in the UK. Despite the importance of these issues, there is little underpinning research to draw on when establishing good practice, and particular gaps in terms of understanding outcomes for older people, the experience of care staff, economic evidence and the perspectives of social care leaders.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
JournalInternational Journal of Care and Caring
Early online date6 Mar 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 Mar 2023


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