The Situationalist Account of Change

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


In this paper I propose a new solution to the problem of change: situationalism. According to this view, parts of reality fundamentally disagree about what is the case and reality as a whole is unsettled (i.e. metaphysically indeterminate). When something changes, parts of the world irreconcilably disagree about what properties it has. From this irreconcilable disagreement, indeterminacy arises. I develop this picture using situations, which are parts of possible worlds; this gives it the name situationalism. It allows a B-theory endurance view on which there is genuine incompatibility when things change. There are costs to the view, which are explored, but it is a novel approach which offers a distinct explanation of what happens when things exist through change.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOxford Studies in Metaphysics
EditorsDean Zimmerman, Karen Bennett
PublisherOxford University Press
ISBN (Print)9780192886033
Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2023

Publication series

NameOxford Studies in Metaphysics
PublisherOxford University Press
ISSN (Print)2634-5730


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