The role of technology mediated music-making in enhancing engagement and social communication in children with autism and intellectual disabilities

Lila Kossyvaki, Sara Curran

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Very little research has explored the impact of interventions combining music and technology on children with a dual diagnosis of autism and intellectual disabilities (ID) incorporating the active involvement of school staff. Video recordings and group interviews were used to collect data in this study. Video recordings of five children with autism and ID were conducted as they engaged with a technology-mediated music-making intervention over a period of 5 weeks. Additionally, five group interviews with classroom staff were carried out. This study is the first to explore the impact of a technology-mediated music-making intervention on the engagement levels and social communication skills of children with autism and ID at school. Some positive outcomes, especially regarding social communication skills, are reported, which are of significant value to educational researchers and school staff.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Intellectual Disabilities
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2018


  • autism
  • intellectual disabilities
  • music
  • technology
  • school-based research


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