The Principal Pauline Epistles: A Collation of Old Latin Witnesses

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The earliest Latin versions of the writings of the New Testament offer important insights into the oldest forms of the biblical text, the use of language in the ancient Church and the foundations from which Christian theology developed in the West.This volume presents a collation of Old Latin evidence for the four principal Pauline Epistles (Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians and Galatians). The sources comprise twenty-six Vetus Latina manuscripts, ten commentaries written between the fourth and sixth centuries and four early testimonia collections. Their text differs in many ways from the standard Vulgate version.Created using innovative digital editing tools, this collation makes this valuable data available for the first time and is complemented by full electronic transcriptions online.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLeiden
Number of pages442
ISBN (Electronic)9789004390492
ISBN (Print)9789004315990
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2018

Publication series

NameNew Testament Tools, Studies and Documents
ISSN (Print)0077-8842

Bibliographical note

Please note that the publication date on the Brill website was changed from 24.12.2018 to 21.1.2019. The title page of the book is 2019.


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