Provision of interpreting support for cross-cultural communication in UK maternity services: A Freedom of Information request

Jennifer MacLellan*, Abigail McNiven, Sara Kenyon

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Background: Language, communication and understanding of information are central to safe, ethical and efficient maternity care. The National Health Service (NHS) commissioning board, NHS England, describes how healthcare providers should obtain language support through professionally trained interpreters. Providers of interpreters are commissioned to deliver remote/face to face interpretation across the NHS. Services can be booked in advance or calls can be made in real time. However, women report infrequent use of professionally trained interpreters during their maternity care, often relying on friends and family as interpreters which can compromise confidentiality, disclosure and accuracy.

Methods: To determine the demand for, and provision of, professionally trained interpreters in practice, we sent a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to 119 NHS Trusts delivering maternity services in England in November 2022. For the financial years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022, we asked how many women in the maternity service were identified as needing an interpreter, the number and mode of interpreter sessions, and the annual spend on interpreting services. Data
were analysed using descriptive statistics.

Results: One hundred maternity Trusts responded by 21st April 2023 (response rate 100/119–84 %). Of these, 56 (56 %) recorded a woman’s need for an interpreter. Nineteen Trusts relied on documentation in paper notes and 37 Trusts recorded the information on a digital system. From the 37 Trusts where this information could be digitally retrieved, women requiring interpreter
support reflected between 1 and 25 % of the annual birth rate of the Trust (average 9 %) and received an average of three interpreter sessions across their pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey. Telephone was the dominant mode used for interpreting sessions, though 11 Trusts favoured face to face interpreting. Financial spend on interpreting services varied across Trusts; some funded their own in-house interpreting services, or worked with local community groups in
addition to their contracted interpreting provider.

Conclusion: Information obtained from this FOI request suggests that Documentation of a woman’s interpreting need is not complete or consistent across NHS maternity services. As a result, it is not clear how many women require an interpreter, the mode of provision or how frequently it is provided, and the cost involved. However, the limited information available suggests a failure to provide interpreter support to women at each scheduled care encounter. This raises questions about, the risk of women not understanding the care being offered, and the increased risk of uninformed, unconsented care as women traverse pregnancy and birth.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100162
Number of pages9
JournalInternational Journal of Nursing Studies Advances
Early online date4 Nov 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 4 Nov 2023

Bibliographical note

We would like to thank the NHS Trust Freedom of Information teams for supporting our request despite extreme health service pressures.


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