Pancreaticobiliary endoscopic ultrasound in England 2007 to 2016: changing practice and outcomes

Umair Kamran, Dominic King, Amandeep Dosanjh, Ben Coupland, John Leeds, Manu Nayar, Prashant Patel, Nigel Trudgill, Kofi W Oppong

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Background and study aims: Population-level data on the outcomes of pancreaticobiliary endoscopic ultrasound (PB-EUS) are limited. We examined national PB-EUS and fine-needle aspiration (FNA) activity, its relation to pancreatic cancer therapy, associated mortality and adverse events.

Patients and methods: Adults undergoing PB-EUS in England from 2007-2016 were identified in Hospital Episode Statistics. A pancreatic cancer cohort diagnosed within 6 months of PB-EUS were studied separately. Multivariable logistic regression models examined associations with 30-day mortality and therapies for pancreatic cancer.

Results: 79,269 PB-EUS in 68,908 subjects were identified. Annual numbers increased from 2,874 (28 % FNA) to 12,752 (35 % FNA) from 2007 to 2016. 8,840 subjects (13 %) were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Sedation related adverse events were coded in 0.5 % and emergency admission with acute pancreatitis in 0.2 % within 48 hours of PB-EUS. 1.5 % of subjects died within 30 days of PB-EUS. Factors associated with 30-day mortality included increasing age (odds ratio 1.03 [95 % CI 1.03-1.04]); male sex (1.38 [1.24-1.56]); increasing comorbidity (1.49 [1.27-1.74]); EUS-FNA (2.26 [1.98-2.57]); pancreatic cancer (1.39 [1.19-1.62]); increasing deprivation (least deprived quintile 0.76 [0.62-0.93]) and lower provider PB-EUS volume (2.83 [2.15-3.73]). Factors associated with surgical resection in the pancreatic cancer cohort included lower provider PB-EUS volume (0.44 [0.26-0.74]) and the least deprived subjects (1.33 [1.12-1.57]). 33 % of pancreatic cancer subjects who underwent EUS, did not subsequently receive active cancer treatment.

Conclusions: Lower provider PB-EUS volume was associated with higher 30-day mortality and reduced rates of both pancreatic cancer surgery and chemotherapy. These results suggest potential issues with case selection in lower-volume EUS providers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)E1731-E1739
Number of pages9
JournalEndoscopy International Open
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 12 Nov 2021

Bibliographical note

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