Investigating the impact of adding plan reminders on implementation intentions to support behaviour change

Adhi Wicaksono, Robert Hendley, Russell Beale

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The use of reminders in habit-formation apps could lead to dependency towards the reminders and hinder the automaticity of the behaviour. Implementation intentions (if–then plan) have been found to be an effective technique that can be used to support forming new habits/breaking unwanted habits. However, implementation intentions could suffer due to forgetfulness and lack of strong intention. In this study, we investigated how adding plan reminders could impact implementation intentions by conducting a 4-week study on daily mood report task. Our findings suggest that adding plan reminders leads to better compliance and better recall of the plan but not necessarily increased automaticity. We also discuss how plan reminders of implementation intentions can be improved.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)177-191
Number of pages15
JournalInteracting with Computers
Issue number2
Early online date12 Apr 2019
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2019


  • Behaviour change intervention
  • Habit formation
  • Human computer interaction
  • Implementation intentions


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