Community cohesion: social and economic ties in the personal networks of fisherfolk

Fiona Nunan, Drazen Cepic, Bwambale Mbilingi, Konstantine Odongkara, Ernest Yongo, Monica Owili, Mwanahamis Salehe, Elizabeth Mlahagwa, Paul Onyango

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Social ties influence access to knowledge and cooperation in natural resource management, with the sharing of certain characteristics thought to be positive for social cohesion and participatory forms of management. The personal networks of fisherfolk (boat crew, boat owners and traders/processors) of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda bordering Lake Victoria were investigated using personal network analysis, with fisherfolk asked who they discuss their fisheries activities with. The analysis found that networks based on the same occupation were more characteristic of fish traders/processors networks than those of boat crew and boat owners and that shared ethnicity, gender and location were characteristic of boat owner and boat crew networks, though shared ethnicity may reflect the composition of the communities rather than choice. Social and economic interactions within the networks were based on provision of credit, social support and advice, forming the basis of social cohesion.
Original languageEnglish
JournalSociety and Natural Resources
Early online date16 Nov 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 16 Nov 2017


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