A calibrated oat lodging model compared with agronomic measurements

Mohammadreza Mohammadi, John Finnan, Mark Sterling, Christopher Baker

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For the first time, this research enables a systematic parametric analysis of oat lodging to be undertaken. A generalised lodging model combining agronomy, biology and wind engineering has been used. Standard husbandry treatments have been deployed in order to ensure that the oat plants are grown in realistic conditions and to ensure that the results are widely applicable. It is shown that the drag area, which increases through the growing season as the oats become entangled, is the plant trait which influences both stem and root lodging the most. In addition (and consistent with other plants) stem yield stress and the number of stems per plant for stem lodging and the diameter of the root structure in the case of root lodging, are found to play an important role. It is also shown that there is a linear relationship between failure anchorage moment and the cube of the root diameter in oats. Moreover, monitoring the lodging in crops which were grown under different husbandry treatments revealed using a resistant variety coupled with low Nitrogen rates and low seed rates, whilst also applying a Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) can increase the resistance of oat against lodging.
Original languageEnglish
Article number107784
Number of pages15
JournalField Crops Research
Early online date10 Jun 2020
Publication statusPublished - 15 Sept 2020


  • Bending moment
  • Crop failure
  • Lodging
  • Model
  • Oat


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