Nigel Harris

Prof, ,

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I am always delighted to supervise postgraduates interested in any aspect of German literature and culture between, very roughly, 1100 and 1600 – whether on my own or in collaboration with other Birmingham colleagues. Some of the dissertations I have supervised to completion in recent years have been on the following topics:

• The <em>Schachbuch</em> of Heinrich von Beringen
• Christian imagery in Hartmann von Aue’s <em>Gregorius</em>, Kafka’s <em>Die Verwandlung</em> and Thomas Mann’s <em>Der Erwählte</em> (with Nicholas Martin)
• Utz Eckstein’s Zwinglian dialogues <em>Concilium</em> and <em>Rychsztag</em>
• Peasants in dialogue with authority in three Reformation dialogues
• Albrecht Dürer’s scientific writings
• Max Mell and Reinhold Schneider’s reception of the <em>Nibelungenlied</em> (with Nicholas Martin)
• British Library Add. 24946 (an important manuscript source of late-medieval didactic literature)

1991 …2024

Research activity per year

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