Matt Houlbrook


  • Professor of Cultural History, History

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I offer PhD supervision across the cultural history of modern Britain, particularly in subjects relating to my research interests. Feel free to get in touch if you’re interested in discussing potential projects.

Until August 2017 I was Head of Postgraduate Studies for the School of History and Cultures. I am committed to ensuring the highest quality in PGR supervision and professional development. In 2017 I received the University of Birmingham Graduate School Award for Excellence in Doctoral Researcher Supervision for the College of Arts and Law, after being nominated by some of the scholars I am lucky enough to work with.

PGRs I have worked with as supervisor or co-supervisor include:

University of Birmingham:

Phoebe Gill, Female Sexual Autonomy and Desire in the United Kingdom, 1870-1928 (2020-present)
Adrian Courtney, The League of Nations Union in Cheltenham (2020-present)
Eleni Eldridge-Tull, Mateship, Mortality, and Morality: The Experience of Camaraderie, Spirituality, and the Self in the Royal Air Force (2019-present)
Jacob Fredrickson, Crimes of Passion: The Force and Feeling of Heterosexuality in Early Twentieth Century Britain (2019-present)
Grace France, Doing the Right Thing: An Exploration of the Organisation and Mobilisation of Moral Conservatism, 1930-1980 (2018-present)
Simon Briercliffe, The Stafford Street Area of Wolverhampton, c.1800-1871 (2016-present)
Thomas Allen, Space, Segmentation and Civic and Regional Identity in Edwardian Birmingham (2016-present)
Laura Sefton, Learning to Consume: Childhood, Citizenship, and the Reproduction of Capitalism (2014-present)
Martha Robinson Rhodes, ‘Not Totally Gay, I Suppose:’ A Queer Oral History of Multiple Gender Attraction in the British Gay Liberation Movement, 1969-1983 (2021)
Chelsea-Anne Saxby, Sex and the Sitcom: Constructing Love, Sex, and Marriage on British Television, 1954-1981 (2021)
Katherine Jones, Masculinity, Contraception, and the Politics of the Everyday in Britain, 1967-97 (2020)
Julie Davies, The Voluntary Aid Detachment during the Great War (2020)
Ruth Lindley, Breaking the Binaries: The Goddess Movement and Religion in Contemporary Britain (2019)
Roger Deeks, Officers Not Gentlemen: Officers Commissioned from the Ranks of the Pre-War British Regular Army, 1903-1918 (2017)
University of Oxford:

Simeon Koole, Nervous Hands, Stolen Kisses, and the Press of Everyday Life: Touch in Britain, 1870-1960 (2017). Sim is currently Lecturer in History and Liberal Arts at the University of Bristol.
Sarah Newman, The Talk of London: Interpreting Celebrity in the British Newspaper Gossip Column, 1918-1939, (2013)
Eloise Moss, Notorious Thieves and Housebreakers: Burglary and Burglars in London, 1860-1939, (2013). Eloise is currently Senior Lecturer in Modern British History, at the University of Manchester.
Charlotte Greenhalgh, The Emotional Experiences of Ageing in Mid-Twentieth Century Britain, (2012). Charlotte is currently Lecturer in History at the University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Matt Hollow, Homemade Subjectivity: Power, Identity and the British Council Estate, 1920-1970, (2011). Matt is currently Research Associate, Leverhulme funded ‘Tipping Points Research Project, University of Durham
University of Liverpool:

Samuel Hyde, ‘Highly Coloured Fiction’: Political Newspaper Cartooning and Social and Labour Politics, c.1881-1926 (2010). Sam is currently Lecturer in English at Edge Hill University.


Research activity per year
