David Hodson, MRCVS

Prof, BVSc (Hons), PhD

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

David Hodson is currently a Senior Birmingham Fellow in Molecular Endocrinology and also holds Diabetes UK RD Lawrence and EFSD/Novo Nordisk Fellowships. David has particular interest in using multidisciplinary and innovative approaches (eg biophotonics, genetics, network biology, chemical biology) to tackle challenging research questions in endocrinology. The overall objective of his work is to identify new mechanisms through which insulin-secreting pancreatic beta cells fail during diabetes.

Research in Dr Hodson's lab revolves around the use of sophisticated imaging modalities (eg high-speed multibeam, two-photon, super-resolution), combined with chemical biology, recombinant technologies and genetic manipulation, to interrogate and decipher the population basis for hormone secretion from endocrine tissues in situ and in vivo. Focussing predominantly upon rodent and human islets of Langerhans, these studies have demonstrated a novel mode of incretin action which boosts insulin release through coaxing beta cell cooperativity, a role for GWAS-identified genes in regulating human beta cell-beta cell interconnectedness, and dual orchestration of metabolic dynamics in a subpopulation of beta cells by glucose and incretin.


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