Camilla Smith

Dr, Ms.

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

I welcome proposals for research in areas of eighteenth-century Swiss culture and intellectual history and early twentieth-century German and Austrian culture and intellectual history. Research into cultural aspects of the Weimar Republic; National Socialism and forms of artist dissent; women artists; print and illustration; erotica and the censorship of visual material are particularly encouraged.

I am engaged in co-supervision across departments and universities with colleagues working in French and German Studies, History and Sexuality and Gender studies. I welcome research proposals that I can support as part of a supervisory team.

Postgraduate supervision includes:

Women artists and erotica in interwar Germany and France (PhD, AHRC-funded)
The photographic self-portraits of Marianne Breslauer, Eva Besnyö and Lotti Jacobi (MRes, AHRC-funded)
Diagnosing the morphinomane body in fin-de-siècle art (PhD, AHRC-funded)
Modern art and the European department store (PhD)
Arnold Schoenberg’s Gesamtkunstwerk (MA by Research)
Gender and Myth in Estella Canziani’s Travel Guides (MPhil, AHRC-funded)
Henry Fuseli’s Conceptions of ‘Self’ and the Status of Art (PhD)
The eighteenth-century engraved fan leaves of George Wilson (PhD)
Onania and female sexuality in text and image in eighteenth-century England (MRes)


Research activity per year

Review article

Search results