Workplace interventions to prevent suicide: A scoping review

Nutmeg Hallett*, Helen Rees, Felicity Hannah, Lorna Hollowood, Caroline Bradbury-Jones

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Objectives: To map organisational interventions for workplace suicide prevention, identifying the effects, mechanisms, moderators, implementation and economic costs, and how interventions are evaluated.

Background: Suicide is a devastating event that can have a profound and lasting impact on the individuals and families affected, with the highest rates found among adults of work age. Employers have a legal and ethical responsibility to provide a safe working environment for their employees, which includes addressing the issue of suicide and promoting mental health and well-being.

Methods: A realist perspective was taken, to identify within organisational suicide prevention interventions, what works, for whom and in what circumstances. Published and unpublished studies in six databases were searched. To extract and map data on the interventions the Effect, Mechanism, Moderator, Implementation, Economic (EMMIE) framework was used. Mechanisms were deductively analysed against Bronfenbrenner’s socio-ecological model.

Results: From 3187 records screened, 46 papers describing 36 interventions within the military, healthcare, the construction industry, emergency services, office workers, veterinary surgeons, the energy sector and higher education. Most mechanisms were aimed at the individual’s immediate environment, with the most common being education or training on recognising signs of stress, suicidality or mental illness in oneself. Studies examined the effectiveness of interventions in terms of suicide rates, suicidality or symptoms of mental illness, and changes in perceptions, attitudes or beliefs, with most reporting positive results. Few studies reported economic costs but those that did suggested that the interventions are cost-effective.

Conclusions: It seems likely that organisational suicide prevention programmes can have a positive impact on attitudes and beliefs towards suicide as well reducing the risk of suicide. Education, to support individuals to recognise the signs and symptoms of stress, mental ill health and suicidality in both themselves and others, is likely to be an effective starting point for successful interventions.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0301453
Number of pages17
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2 May 2024


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