Daniel Donaldson, Mohamed Samra, Panagiota Axelithioti, Lewis Parry, Kamilya Suleymenova, Donna Dawkins, Daniel Espino, Carl Anthony, Aziza Mahomed

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Feedback is essential to the student learning process. However, for programmes with large cohorts of students, it can be difficult to provide meaningful consistent feedback in a timely manner. Our project aimed to achieve efficiency gains for the
feedback process through the development of a digital feedback tool, to semi-automate the repetitive portions of the feedback creation process; with the
ultimate goal to enhance the quality of the feedback process for academics and students. This tool has been produced and trialled on a number of modules
at Birmingham. An additional benefit of using the digital tool was in the consistency of feedback produced when multiple markers (e.g. post-graduate
teaching assistants PGTA’s) were assessing work; as templates of predefined phrases could be supplied to the markers to use. This digital tool also provided an opportunity to improve student’s understanding of the use of feedback and reflective practice as part of their learning. Workshop styled feedback activities were run for Engineering and Business students using the digital-tool as a framework. Students critiqued existing assessments using the tool to facilitate
digital-dialogue. Survey results from the sessions demonstrated that the use of semi-automated feedback tools can improve the student learning experience.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvanced HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2020: Teaching in the spotlight: Creative thinking to enhance the student experience: From curriculum design to student success
Subtitle of host publication7-9 July 2020, UK
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2020


  • self-regulated learning strategies
  • metacognitive learning
  • digital feedback


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