Clarifying Collaborative Dynamics in Governance Networks

Margaret Stout, Koen Bartels, Jeannine M. Love

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review

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Governance network managers are charged with triggering and sustaining collaborative dynamics, but often struggle to do so because they come from and interact with hierarchical and competitive organizations and systems. Thus, an important step toward effectively managing governance networks is to clarify collaborative dynamics. While the recently proposed collaborative governance regime (CGR) model provides a good start, it lacks both the conceptual clarity and parsimony needed in a useful analytical tool. This theoretical chapter uses the logic model framework to assess and reorganize the CGR model and then amends it using Follett’s theory of integrative process to provide a parsimonious understanding of collaborative dynamics as opposed to authoritative coordination or negotiated cooperation. Uniquely, Follett draws from political and organizational theory practically grounded in the study of civic and business groups to frame the manner in which integrative process permeates collaboration. We argue that the disposition, style of relating, and mode of association in her integrative method foster collaborative dynamics while avoiding the counterproductive characteristics of hierarchy and competition. We develop an alternative logic model for studying collaborative dynamics that clarifies and defines these dynamics for future operationalization and empirical study.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFrom Austerity to Abundance?
Subtitle of host publicationCreative Approaches to Coordinating the Common Good
EditorsMargaret Stout
Place of PublicationBingley
Number of pages25
ISBN (Electronic)9781787144651
ISBN (Print)9781787144668
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Collaborative governance
  • Integrative Governance
  • integration
  • network management
  • process evaluation
  • Follett


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