Essentially (Not) the Game: Reading the Materiality of Video Game Paratexts

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    This chapter explores the role of materiality in video games and their associated paratexts, which provide entry points into game worlds. It categorizes these elements into three types: (1) physical and digital materiality, (2) essential and non-essential paratexts, and (3) gameplay, technological, and marketing paratexts.

    The first section defines video game texts and paratexts, emphasizing their fluid nature due to the variability of gameplay and the evolution of materiality over time. It also examines the coexistence of physical and digital materiality in games.

    The second section distinguishes between essential and non-essential paratexts and their impact on players' perception of the game. This distinction leads to a discussion on the fluidity of labels such as "text" and "paratext."

    The final section analyzes three types of paratexts based on their functions: gameplay, technological, and marketing. These elements shape the player's experience and perception of the game.

    By the end, readers will gain insight into the intricate relationships between video game texts and paratexts, as well as the role of materiality in creating unique game worlds.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMedia Materialities
    Subtitle of host publicationForm, Format, and Ephemeral Meaning
    EditorsIain A. Taylor, Oliver Carter
    Place of PublicationBristol
    Number of pages19
    ISBN (Electronic)9781789388190 (EPUB), 9781789388183 (PDF)
    ISBN (Print)9781789388176
    Publication statusPublished - 12 Dec 2023

    Publication series

    NameBCMCR New Directions in Media and Cultural Research
    ISSN (Print)2752-4515
    ISSN (Electronic)2752-4523


    • video game
    • paratext
    • material


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