Combined toxicity of fluorescent silica nanoparticles with cadmium in Ceriodaphnia dubia: Interactive effects of natural organic matter and green algae feeding

Marcella T. Maia*, Fabrício S. Delite, Gabriela Helena da Silva, Laura Bradford, Anastasios G. Papadiamantis, Amauri J. Paula, Iseult Lynch*, Diego Stéfani T. Martinez*

*Corresponding author for this work

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The environmental risks of silica nanoparticles (SiNP) reported in the literature are contradictory and bring into question its safety for use in consumer applications. Organisms are never exposed to NPs alone in the real environment, while studies of the combined toxicity of SiNP are limited. To address this, we compared the acute toxicity of fluorescent core-shell SiNPs alone and in mixtures with Cd2+ to Ceriodaphnia dubia in the absence and presence of NOM. We identified biodistribution and feeding behaviour in addition to the traditional endpoints. NOM increased the colloidal stability of SiNPs in reconstituted water. In immobility tests, no significant effects were observed from Cd2+ exposure with NOM and varying concentrations of SiNPs. A similar pattern of curve dose-response was observed for varying concentrations of SiNPs and increasing Cd2+ concentration and constant NOM. Fluorescence microscopy verified a dose-dependent bioaccumulation of SiNPs in C. dubia. Co-exposure to 10 mg L−1 SiNP with NOM and Cd2+ resulted in a stimulated stress feeding response at the lower Cd2+ concentrations which declined at the higher dose due to a functional impairment of the digestive tract. Alterations in feeding behaviour and the increasing bioaccumulation of SiNP indicate a potential ecological risk for Ceriodaphnia dubia from the mixture exposure.
Original languageEnglish
Article number132623
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Hazardous Materials
Early online date23 Sept 2023
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jan 2024

Bibliographical note

This research was supported by a FAPESP-UoB research grant (Project. No. 19/07058–0). I.L. and D.S.T.M. acknowledge the Horizon 2020 NanoCommons (Grant agreement No. 731032) and CompSafeNano (Grant agreement ID: 101008099) projects. The authors are grateful to LNNano/CNPEM and UoB facilities (TEM, Nanotox and Daphnia), the National Institute for Complex Functional Materials (INCT-Inomat), and the National System of Laboratories on Nanotechnologies (SisNANO/MCTI). D.S.T.M. thanks FAPESP BPE program for the visiting research fellowship at GEES/UoB (Proc. No. 18/25140–3) and the CNPq PQ-1D fellowship (Proc. No. 315575/2020–4).


  • Co-exposure
  • Ecotoxicity
  • Nanosafety
  • Nanoinformatics, mixture toxicity


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