Human Resource Management (HRM) and employment in services

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionary


Attracting, selecting, and recruiting the right employees are the most important HRM activities for service firms. Service work has traditionally been divided into two functional categories, back office, and front office functions. Front office employees interact with customers whilst back office workers and managers may not directly engage with consumers. With COVID-19 the balance between front and back office work has altered with an increase in e-commerce and hybrid working. Different types of service work require very different skill sets and employee capabilities. Customer facing roles involve emotional labour involving surface- and deep-acting. Emotional labour is based on the expectation that service employees will be service-minded, and this includes being attentive, cheerful, compassionate, flexible, and sincere in service encounters.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationElgar Encyclopedia of Services
EditorsFaïz Gallouj, Camal Gallouj, Marie-Christine Monnoyer, Luis Rubalcaba, Markus Scheuer
Place of PublicationCheltenham
PublisherEdward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Number of pages3
ISBN (Electronic)9781802202595
ISBN (Print)9781802202588
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jan 2023

Publication series

NameElgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences
PublisherEdward Elgar


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