Learn on the Move: A Problem-Based Induction Activity for New University Chemistry Students

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An open-ended team induction activity was developed in order to help introduce new year-one chemistry students at the University of Leicester to other members of their Problem Based Learning (PBL) teams and to facilitate development of a problem-solving strategy for PBL activities. The activity was based on the design, development, and evaluation of a learning resource intended for use by year-one chemists. Students were given the freedom to select the format for their resource, the topic the resource focused on, and the methods used to evaluate it. The level of student engagement with the activity was very good, and student feedback indicates a perceived benefit to transferable skills development, meeting fellow students and learning how to approach PBL problems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1925-1928
JournalJournal of Chemical Education
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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