The Lovász-Cherkassky theorem for locally finite graphs with ends

Raphael W. Jacobs*, Attila Joó*, Paul Knappe*, Jan Kurkofka*, Ruben Melcher

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Lovász and Cherkassky discovered independently that, if G is a finite graph and T ⊆ V(G) such that the degree dG(v) is even for every vertex v ∈ V(G) \  T, then the maximum number of edge-disjoint paths which are internally disjoint from T and connect distinct vertices of T is equal to ½ Σt∈T λG(t, T \ {t}) (where λG(t, T \ {t}) is the size of a smallest cut that separates t and T \ {t}). From another perspective, this means that for every vertex t ∈ T , in any optimal path-system there are λG (t, T \ {t}) many paths between t and T \ {t}. We extend the theorem of Lovász and Cherkassky based on this reformulation to all locally-finite infinite graphs and their ends. In our generalisation, T may contain not just vertices but ends as well, and paths are one-way (two-way) infinite when they establish a vertex-end (end-end) connection.
Original languageEnglish
Article number113586
Number of pages6
JournalDiscrete Mathematics
Issue number12
Early online date10 Jul 2023
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


  • Lovász-Cherkassky theorem
  • Infinite graph
  • Freudenthal compactification
  • Edge-connectivity


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