Adapting digital networks and resources for autistic users: A toolkit for the third and public sector

Nelya Koteyko*, Simona Manni, Belen Barros Pena, Martine Van Driel, John Vines

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Other contribution

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Welcome to Adapting digital networks and resources for autistic users: a toolkit for the third and public sector.


This toolkit offers practical support to any third and public sector professional who wants to adapt their use of digital platforms.

You don’t need to have design or programming skills to be able to use this toolkit. The recommendations offered in this toolkit don’t ask you to re-design digital platforms from scratch, but rather provide support on how to manage the content which populates your online platforms, and to provide appropriate level of guidance to users.

For those who do have the skills to design digital platforms or have a team of designers at disposition, we offer a separate toolkit specific to these needs, which you can find at

The tips offered in this guide are not just for platforms that are meant to be used exclusively with autistic users, but are applicable to any website, social media, and online group which may include autistic users.

Autism is largely underdiagnosed, and if you are using digital platforms with a public audience, chances are there will be neurodivergent people accessing your platforms. The adjustments recommended in this toolkit will improve the user experience of your audience as a whole.

Digital platforms are in constant evolution. Providing platform-specific instructions, for instance how to set up a Facebook group, would have condemned this toolkit to a short lifespan. Instead, we focused on concepts and approaches that can be applied to any platform you are working with (websites, social media platforms, online groups, forums, online courses).
Original languageEnglish
TypeDigital Toolkit for Inclusive Social Media Design for Autistic Users
Media of outputText - Online
Number of pages28
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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