'Leaving a legacy': documentary work in a learning environment

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This article contends that the creation of a legacy by students enables them
to situate their time and experiences at university within their broader life
goals and expectations. Legacy learning refers to the act of creating an
archive or artefact for the benefit of posterity; collating, collecting and
creating a virtual or tangible article, or objet, for successive cohorts to
utilise as a learning resource. It is also a tangible product that students may
use to demonstrate their skills to prospective employers; something to take
away with them from the process of learning. At the heart of the concept are
two key factors: collaboration and the process of self-reflection. This article
illustrates legacy learning through the examination of a final year module on
Asia for which small groups of students had to produce a documentary video
and individual self-reflection paper. Although the putative goal of the
endeavour was envisioned as the realisation of the documentary itself, the
self-reflection exercise by students suggests that the underlying learning
value of the exercise may in fact rest in the self-realisation of the learner.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
JournalEuropean Political Science
Early online date6 May 2016
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 6 May 2016


  • legacy learning
  • self-reflection
  • assessment
  • group work


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