Giant lattice softening at a Lifshitz transition in Sr2RuO4

Hilary Noad*, Kousuke Ishida, You-Sheng Li, Elena Gati, Veronika Stangier, Naoki Kikugawa, Dmitry Sokolov, Michael Nicklas, Bongjae Kim, Igor Mazin, Markus Garst, Jörg Schmalian, Andrew Mackenzie*, Clifford Hicks*

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The interplay of electronic and structural degrees of freedom in solids is a topic of intense research. More than 60 years ago, Lifshitz discussed a counterintuitive possibility: lattice softening driven by conduction electrons at topological Fermi surface transitions. The effect that he predicted, however, was small and has not been convincingly observed. Using a piezo-based uniaxial pressure cell to tune the ultraclean metal strontium ruthenate while measuring the stress-strain relationship, we reveal a huge softening of the Young’s modulus at a Lifshitz transition of a two-dimensional Fermi surface and show that it is indeed driven entirely by the conduction electrons of the relevant energy band.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)447-450
Number of pages4
Issue number6669
Publication statusPublished - 27 Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

This work was supported by the Max Planck Society; Research in Dresden benefits from the environment provided by the DFG Cluster of Excellence (ct.qmat EXC 2147, Project 390858940 to A.P.M.); the German Research Foundation (TRR 288-422213477 ELASTO-Q-MAT, Project A10 to H.M.L.N., A.P.M., and C.W.H.; TRR 288-422213477 ELASTO-Q-MAT, Project A11 to M.G.; and TRR 288-422213477 ELASTO-Q-MAT, Project B01 to J.S. and V.S.); the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers to H.M.L.N.); received funding of the Klaus Tschira Boost Fund, a joint initiative of the German Scholars Organization and the Klaus Tschira Foundation (to H.M.L.N.); the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Overseas Research Fellowship to K.I. and KAKENHI Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research grants 17H06136, 18K04715, 21H01033, and 22K19093 to N.K.; and Core-to-Core Program grant JPJSCCA20170002 to N.K.); the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)–Mirai Program (grant no. JPMJMI18A3 to N.K.); and the National Research Foundation of Korea (grants 2021R1C1C1007017 and 2022M3H4A1A04074153 to B.K.).


  • Electronic structure
  • elasticity
  • Lifshitz transitions


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